Monday, January 23, 2012

[How To] Set A Boot Logo With the Untethered iOS 5.0.1 Jailbreak

Huge thanks goes to for writing this article.  I did not write this myself, but I wanted to share it with the rest of you.

Original Article can be found @

This quick guide will tell you how to set a custom boot logo on iOS 5.0.1.

One thing that many people liked about the Chronic Dev Team's untethered greenpois0n jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 was the ability to set custom boot logos. Unfortunately, as time has passed, jailbreak tools have stopped supporting native boot logos for the iDevice lineup. Setting a custom boot logo, however, has still never been easier. You need to install three things to make your custom boot logo appear after you jailbreak and all of it can be found in Cydia. Actually, two things; but, you also need to install a boot logo for it to work!

To begin, you need a tool called, "animate" which was made available about the time that the iOS 4.2.1 untethered greenpois0n jailbreak was released. The only prerequisite to it is that it only works on iOS 4.2.1 (as you will see when you find it; it tells you). But, we are going to bypass that prerequisite so that we can have our boot logo on iOS 5.0.1. So, to get 'animate' you're going to open up Cydia and search for it. You want to install the tool that was made by the Chronic Dev Team:

After you install it (no respring or reboot required), you are going to install the tool that will let the boot logo work on an iOS version that is not iOS 4.2.1. The tool you will need is called, "animate fix for iOS 4.x.x" and it was released by iH8sn0w, the famous developer behind iFaith, sn0wbreeze and other jailbreak tools alike. So, to get 'animate fix for iOS 4.x.x' you're going to open up Cydia and search for it. Even though it says it's for iOS 4.x.x, it works for iOS 5.0.1 as well. When you find it, just install it (once again, respring or reboot required):

Now that you have those two tools installed, you can download and install the third thing that you need - a boot logo. You can search through Cydia's archives for a boot logo that you like or you can use one of your own. You can test out what you have already because after you install 'animate' the greenpois0n boot logo is made your boot logo by default. You can change this by going into your Settings application, then opening the Bootlogo section, and then picking between Chronic Dev Team's boot logo or the stock Apple logo. After you install a third party boot logo, it will appear in that list as well for you to choose from.

Please note that the tweak made for patching 'animate' was built for iOS 4. If you're having trouble, wait for the iOS 5 patch. The current version has worked fine for me and some others. Some boot logos will work better than others. Try this at your own risk.

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