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Messages+ has got to be one of the best messaging clients for iOS!
Messages+, if you're unfamiliar with it, comes for free with every download of IntelliScreenX. It is a direct competitor with iRealSMS and biteSMS because it attempts to build upon the foundation of the Messages application to make text messaging more intuitive and fun to use. Messages+ is by the developers over at
Intelliborn, the same people that brought us IntelliScreenX, IntelliScreen, MyWi 5.0, TruPrint, and several other amazing applications over the span of jailbreaking. The GUI (graphical user interface) concept was brought to us by ex-ModMyi staff writer, Joshua Tucker.
Messages+ aims to make text messaging easier. It is integrated right into your Messages application so that you don't have to play around with two different messaging applications. When you get a new message from someone, you will notice that the iOS 5 banner that appears at the top of the screen is not going to go away - this is because the banner has an 'X' that you need to tap to dismiss it. This is good; if you don't have Messages+ installed and you're focusing on a game and you look up at the text in a few seconds, guess what? The banner is already gone. With Messages+ you can continue to play until you're ready to address the message, or you can dismiss it yourself if you're too busy. If you like the iOS 5 way better, then head over to your settings application and turn off the, "Manual Banner Dismiss" setting. The 'X' button to dismiss the message looks like the one in the image below:
Messages+ works with iMessage, SMS, and
MMS. You can tell the difference between the two the same way that you can within the Messages application - iMessage is blue, SMS is green. With Messages+, you can quick-compose a message using an activator action. When you invoke the action, the transparent background will appear like the first image of this review, and allow you to search someone's name to send a message to. Messages+ does not hinder your ability to use the Messages application. You can use whichever you like, but they are integrated into each other. When you have composed your message, you can exit the transparent window with the, "X" button in the top right of the window.
Here's another plus to using Messages+; you can reply to a text message within any application (even the lock screen) without ever opening your Messages application to do so. This means that you won't experience any lag between switching applications because you never actually leave the application that you're in. I think Messages+ is one of the better text messaging enhancers for iOS because of the fact that it's so light weight, and integrates into the Messages application without completely changing the way it works. Messages+ doesn't replace your Messages application, it just glorifies it.
If you are an owner of IntelliScreenX, then you already own the Beta for Messages+. Tlert users can download it for free. If you don't own any of those two applications, then you can try Messages+ absolutely free for three days. It will cost $7.99 to buy it after your trial. I think if you're going to pay $7.99 for a Messages extension, then you should look into getting IntelliScreenX. You'll get Messsages+ and IntelliScreenX for just $9.99. It's more bang for your buck. I recommend this application to anyone who text messages/iMessages a lot on their iDevices.
Name: Messages+
Price: $7.99 (+ 3-Day Free Trial)
Repo: Modmyi
Version: 1.0
Editor's Rating: 5/5