Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's Been A Long Time

Hi everyone. I'm back. It's been a long time since I have posted
anything here on my blog http://dradias-hacks.blogspot.com.

I have finally finished all of my other projects and I am, once again,
able to continue working on my blog.

My original mission was, and still is, to have a single place where I
can create a collection of all the modding / hacking / Jailbreaking
tutorials I have created and post "new" iPhone iOS info and download

And now for the ranting...

I wanted a place where I could post guides that I know work. Guides
for modding or jailbreaking that I have tested myself. I just got sick
and tired one day of reading through 20 guides on how to do something,
and finding out in the end that only 2 of them work properly.

I guess you can say that when "mid-informed" people post incorrect
information, it pisses me off! If I google something on the Internet,
I believe it should work. There is nothing that I hate more than
finding a guide on the Internet, for something that I have never done
before, and then come to find out, 5 hours later, the (dumb ass) that
wrote it either posted incorrect information, or forgot a step and
you, being the noob (don't take it personally, everyone is a noob in
the beginning) has never done this before, has no idea if they are
doing something wrong, or the dumb-ass that wrote the article didn't
even know what he was doing in the first place.

So in conclusion, what I am trying to say is that the guides I post
here will work. Maybe not for everyone due to different hardware
versions and reliece dates, but for 95% if you, they will work. So
just remember, the Internet is full of great information, but about
25% of that information is false!!!

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