Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How to setup Streaming from a PC to a Xbox 360 console?

This guide will walk you through all the steps to be able to stream Music, Videos & Pictures from your PC running Windows 7, to your XBOX 360.

I have been, unsuccessfully BTW, trying to do this for years.  I have always become so frustrated trying to set up a Media Extender so the PC can stream content to my XBOX, that I would usually try for 20min or so, and then give up.  This is the error I would always get using Windows Media Center on my PC....
Error: "Cannot find Extender"
Microsoft's answer 
This usually means that the Extender can't be found on thesame network as your computer, or that a firewall on your computer is blockingUPnP communication. Try the following:
Make sure that your Extender and your computer are on thesame subnet. To learn how to do this, see Ensurethat your Extender and your computer are on the same subnet later inthis article.

My Main issue was explained in the article I FINALLY found below.  My issue was when I went into the “services.msc”, "Media Center Extender Service: Started\Automatic" was set to "off" instead of "Started".

So hopefully this article will help you guys out as well!!!

I wish I could take credit for writing this article, but this was written by @Kiesey78 back in June of 2011.  It was posted on an XBOX forum found HERE.

How do I setup Streaming from my PC to my Xbox 360 console?

This guide outlines troubleshooting for Windows MediaConnect and Windows Media Center for Windows 7, Windows Vista And Windows XP.Windows Media Connect encompasses the libraries on your Xbox 360. They can befound under the My Xbox on your console when scrolling to the right, you willsee Video, Music and Picture libraries. Select one of these libraries; selectyour computer, and then your media to stream. Windows Media Center is a digitalvideo recorder and media player. Media Center allows users to view and recordlive television, organize & play music and videos. The application isincluded in various versions of Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows VisaHome Premium and Ultimate and all editions of Windows 7. The exception to thisis the starter and home basic versions.

Are there any differences between the various operatingsystems?

Yes there are, we will outline the various steps on how toset up media streaming between the various operating systems.

Great, I use Windows 7. How do I set up media streaming?

Fantastic! Windows 7 makes it extremely easy to startsharing media with Media Center! The steps below outline how to complete this:
One of the most important things when setting up MediaCenter or Media Connect is to make sure your network is set up properly. To dothis, you want navigate to the following path: Click Start > Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center. Under View your active networks, makesure your network is set to Home Network. You are then going to want to selectChoose homegroup and sharing options, then Change advance sharing settings. Youwant to make sure the following are set correctly:
  • Network discovery is on.
  • File and printer sharing is on.
  • Public Folder Sharing is on.
  • Media streaming is on.
  • Password protected sharing is off.
  • HomeGroup Connections: Allow Windows to managehomegroup connections.

If the above does not resolve your issues, the next thingyou will need to do is check your services. To do this, you want to either openyour run prompt (quickest way to open the run prompt is by hitting your Windowsbutton and R button at the same time) and type “services.msc” (without thequotes, then hitting enter), or by hitting the Windows key and typing “services.msc”.This will bring up a list of services. What you will need to do is locate theservices listed below ensure the service status and startup type are set asfollows:
  • Internet Connection Sharing Service:  Stopped\Disabled
  • Media Center Extender Service: Started\Automatic
  • Network List Service:   Started\Automatic
  • Quality Windows Audio Video Experience: Started\Automatic
  • SSDP Discovery Service: Started\Automatic
  • UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) Device Host:Started\Automatic
  • Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service:Started\Automatic
  • Zune Network Sharing Service: Started\Automatic
  • If they are not set as above, simply double click on theservice to makes the appropriate changes.
To set up Windows Media Player 12. Within the “Stream” dropdown, check to see if you have the option to turn on Media Streaming. If thisoption is not there, it means it is already enabled and nothing more needs tobe done for now. If it does show, select this option. Once done, again withinthe “Stream” drop down, go to “More Streaming Options” and make sure the 360 isset to allowed and hit ok.  You should now have “Automatically allowdevices to play my media” selected.
Post 'as is' and confers no rights

Sunday, June 10, 2012

XBMC - Windows 7 Guide to SMB Shares

So, you have now successfully installed XBMC for iOS... (If Not, Click Here for the installation guide)

This Guide will walk you through the steps to add a SMB share from your computer running Windows 7.  SMB shares (aka a shared folder) will allow you to view your movies, listen to mp3's, and view pictures that are currently stored on your PC hard drive; all inside XBMC for iOS.


XBMC's library's work best whenfull access to video and audio files is provided to them via an SMB share.However, Microsoft is making it more and more difficult to share using SMB in Windows.You have to turn off Homegroup and change all sorts of settings inside Win 7.  Use thefollowing guide to quickly and easily turn SMB sharing ON in Windows 7.


As a initial step, you should be connected to your network.  This can be done by either a WiFi or LAN connection.   Also, when you are first connecting your Windows 7 computer to yournetwork, it will ask if you are connecting to Home, Work, or a Public network.This guide presumes that you selected Home. The same steps SHOULD work if youselected Work. They will almost certainly not work if you selected Public.Also, sometimes you will be asked to be certain if you want to do something oryou will be asked to go up a level in clearance to do something. This guidewas written with the assumption that you have ADMIN privileges.

The Process

Step 1: Click the "Network Internet Access" icon at thebottom right of your screen, next to your clock, speaker icon, and possiblypower icon. Click open the "Network and Sharing Center."

Step 2: Locate and click "Choose homegroup and sharingoptions." You are now on the "Change Homegroup settings" window.In this window, click "Leave the homegroup..." A warning will pop up.Go ahead and click "Leave the homegroup."

Step 3: You are now presented with a page labeled "Share withother home computers running Windows 7." From here click the link"Change advanced sharing settings..."

Step 4: You are now at the "Change sharing options for differentnetwork profiles" page. This is where you are going to do the nittygritty. I'm going to go option by option. Most of these will probably alreadybe configured correctly, but I'll tell you how they should be configured,nonetheless.
Network Discovery: turn on network discovery
File and printer sharing: turn on 
Public folder sharing: Your choice. It can be on or off. 
Media Streaming: By default, this is off. You can turn it on if you want, butit is not why we are here, so I'm going to leave it off for now. 
Password protected sharing: Turn off password protected sharing 
HomeGroup connections: This doesn't really matter, since you already lefthomegroup. However, I allowed Windows to manage my homegroup connections.

This is what your screen should look line when your all done

Step 5: Click Save changes. Now close the window that says"Share with other home computers running Windows 7."

Step 6: Navigate to a folder you want to share. For example, mine are located at F:\TV Shows\Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. First, left click on F:\TV Shows\Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (or whatever your folder is named) tomake sure it is highlighted. Then, right click on the folder. Put your mouseover "Share with" and four options should pop up "Nobody,Homegroup (read), Homegroup (read/write), Specific people." Click"Specific people..."

Step 7: You should now be on a dialog that is entitled "Choosepeople to share with." Your goal is to share the folder with"Everyone." On the dialog there should be a list of people. This listmight include "Administrator," your username, "Guest," and"Everyone." It might only contain a subset of that group. If"everyone" is listed, simply click everyone, then click "Share."Voila, done. If you want to decide whether to keep Everyone as a Reader orchange them to a Reader/Writer (or vice versa), read Step eight.

If Everyone is not listed, click the dropdown arrow next to the "Add"button. "Everyone" should be on the list there. Click it, then clickAdd. If "Everyone" isn't on the dropdown list, you may be able totype "Everyone" in and click Add. Feel free to comment if this is anissue and/or it doesn't work.

Step 8: Once "Everyone" has been added to the list, youhave two choices. You can choose to keep "Everyone" as a Reader only,in which case XBMC would be able to read the files, but could not writeanything into the folder, meaning it could not correct file names or exportnfos and tbns into the folder, if you want that. Or you can choose to changeEveryone to Read/Write, using the drop down arrow on the Everyone line. ThenXBMC can export, but you have to deal with the danger that anyone on thenetwork could change the files.

Once you've made your decision, click "Share."

Step 9: Repeat steps seven and eight for all folders you wish toshare.

All Finished

Now you can add your sources in XBMC without difficulty.  Here is what you should see on your iDevice.

XBMC on iPad - Homescreen

Once you select the "Videos" icon from the home screen, Click on Add Video Source , then click on Browse

Once you have selected browse, then select "Windows Network (SMB)" option.

Find the folder you shared earlier from your Win 7 PC - This pic  is an example of a SMB share of Mickey Mouse Club House that I shared earlier - (they are for my daughter (not myself))... LOL

HOW-TO:Install XBMC on iPad/iPhone/iPod touch

The current stable release of XBMC for iOS is v11 (Eden).


  • To install XBMC for iOS you must have a jailbroken iDevice running iOS 4.x or higher.
    • I have tested this out with iOS 5.1.1 and XBMC works.
  • For hardware: iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch 3rd gen (16GB and 32GB models only), iPod touch 4th gen.

Installing from Cydia
Step 1: Open Cydia from your homescreen.

Step 2 = iPhone Setup: Manage - > Sources -> Edit ->Add
Step 2 = iPad Setup: Sources -> Edit -> Add
Step 2b: Type in & hit "Add Source"

Step 3: Now that the new source has been added, Tap on the teamXBMC source.

Step 4: Tap on the XBMC-iOS icon.

Like Previously Stated - it says 4.x iOS, but it works on iOS 5+

Step 5: Tap install, then confirm.


Step 6: Let it install, then exit Cydia. You should nowhave a new XBMC icon on your screen.

Friday, June 8, 2012

iTunes 10.6.1 - Now available for download

iTunes 10.6.1

iTunes 10.6.1 provides a number of improvements, including:

  • Fixes several issues that may cause iTunes to unexpectedlyquit while playing videos, changing artwork size in Grid view, and syncingphotos to devices.
  • Addresses an issue where some iTunes interface elements areincorrectly described by VoiceOver and WindowEyes. • Fixes a problem whereiTunes may become unresponsive while syncing iPod nano or iPod shuffle.
  • Resolves an ordering problem while browsing TV episodes inyour iTunes library on Apple TV. 

Download Links

    How to Jailbreak your AppleTV running iOS 5.0.2 - Untethered


    An Important Reminder

    *** This guide will ONLY WORK for 2nd gen Apple TV's. ***

    *** The 3rd gen Apple TV is not yet supported.  ***

    Step One
    Download the latest version of SeasonPass from here.

    Step Two
    Extract the archive you downloaded. Once Seas0nPass is extracted you will need to right click on the Seas0nPass.exe file and click the Run as administrator option (if applicable).

    Step Three

    Click the Create IPSW button from the main screen.

    Step Four
    Seas0nPass will now download the latest Apple TV firmware file.

    Step Five
    Seas0nPass will create a custom IPSW file for you.

    Step Six
    Once your custom IPSW file has been created, Seas0nPass will ask you to connect the Apple TV to your computer via a micro-USB cable and use the remote to put it into DFU mode by holding MENU and PLAY/PAUSE for 7 seconds. The power cable should be unplugged during this process.

    Step Seven
    Once your Apple TV has been detected in DFU mode, Seas0nPass will upload some files, ask you if its okay to automatically restore firmware, and then beginning restoring to the new firmware.

     Step Eight
    That's it! Your Apple TV is jailbroken!  

    To test, reconnect your AppleTV to your Television set.  If you see the RED FC ICON with the word "Settings" underneath, then give yourself a pat on the back.

    Download Links

    Seas0nPass provides an UNTETHERED jailbreak of the 2nd gen Apple TV running the latest iOS (5.0.2 - 9B830) software that was released on June 6th, 2012.

    *** Important Reminder - The 3rd gen Apple TV is not yet supported. ***

    Apple TV 2G - Seas0nPass Updated To Jailbreak Apple TV 5.0.2 Untethered

    Seas0nPass is an Apple TV 2G specific jailbreak tool created by the FireCore development team.

    Original Article By Paul Morris of  | June 6th, 2012

    For a lot of Apple device owners and jailbreak fans, it’s always good day when a new tool or an update to an existing jailbreak tool is released with additional firmware or device support. As we know already, Apple pushed out an update to the Apple TV yesterday, taking the current firmware version to 5.0.2, and thanks to the guys over at FireCore, today will go down as a good day.

    Their popular Seas0nPass tool has been promptly and efficiently updated to provide support for Apple’s latest software release, bringing an untethered jailbreak to iOS 5.0.2 on the second-generation Apple TV. Although Apple have publicly announced that they see the Apple TV as somewhat of a hobby, the quick updates and relatively recent overhaul of the user-interface may suggest that they are starting to take the little black box a bit more seriously, especially as sales figures are increasing steadily.

    This update though is extremely minor and doesn’t bring any real notable changes that users should concern themselves with. In the past, we have seen the fruit company push out tiny point updates in order to patch jailbreak vulnerabilities, but the release of an updated Seas0nPass and a tweet from Apple TV jailbreak guru NitoTV confirms that the latest build is still susceptible to the untether.

    As it has been the case in the past and continues to be so, Apple’s latest generation Apple TVunit is not supported with this latest release of Seas0nPass, with the software only providing an untethered jailbreak on the second-generation black hockey puck. The official word from those involved behind the jailbreaks reveals that there is still no news relating to a jailbreak for the third-generation Apple TV, meaning those who decided to opt for the 1080p version of Apple’s hobby project will need to sit patiently as Apple TV 2G owners enjoy the freedom that an untethered jailbreak always brings to any iDevice.

    These last few weeks have certainly been frantic in the world of jailbreaking with Apple having to live with the fact that pretty much all of their devices that are capable of running latest firmware can be jailbroken with the Apple TV 3 being the exception. As we approach the final run in to the WWDC it seems that the jailbreakers are currently winning the ever exciting cat and mouse game.

    JailBreak iOS 5.1.1 NOW - via new Apps!!!

    So by now you have all heard of Absinthe.  The JailBreak tool by "The Cronic Dev Team".

    Now there are 4 new tools that will allow you to JailBreak iOS 5.1.1 as well.

    No Linux support here guys, these are for Mac OS X and Winblows only...

    Download Links

    JailBreak iOS 5.1.1
    (3gs / 4 / 4s / iPad 2 / iPad 3)

    • ultrasn0w 1.2.7 — install this via Cydia