SOPA = Stop Online Piracy Act
The TRUTH about SOPA.
Read the truth about SOPA, and you will understand why 14 of the largest companies in the Technology industry have backed out of supporting it. These companies include: Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Intel, Sony, AOL, eBay, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Mozilla, Twitter, Yahoo & Zanga.
Truth is… you’re either a pirate, or you’re not. But before people jump on the bandwagon, you need to know the facts.
Don’t be fooled by what SOPA is.
SOPA will tell the public that it is the Stop Online Piracy Act. This, for some, sounds like a good idea. At first glance, the bill sounded good. Stopping all piracy, blocking questionable piracy sites, and helping the companies keep making money off of their products.
But what the SOPA bill is actually doing is allowing the Government to become a true “Big Brother”. And us as citizens are letting this happen.
SOPA not only will attempt to stop piracy, but it also allows the government to control EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THE INTERNET. With SOPA, “the government or law enforcement could seize and shut down any WebSite that held questionable content or broke the law”. It is the “questionable content” part that should bother you!
So, for example: If the Government decides they don’t like a YouTube Video, they can BAN it (aka: Delete it) from ever existing. That’s just plain sad. SOPA gives the Government the power to take anything off of the internet they want.
Another Example: Let’s say your child is doing a paper for school on World War II. Sure, the information will be out there to write a report, but if the Government decides there are Pictures, Videos, or any kind of content out there that they don’t want you to see or know about, they can blacklist the website from the Internet. (In laymen terms, it will just cease to exist.)
Another Example: School districts are already toying with the idea of replacing school books with iPads. Sounds great right? The Evolution of Technology. But with SOPA, the things you learned from books in school might no longer be there for our future “online” generations. If you want to know what happened with prohibition or how/when the U.S. Stock market crashed in 1929, you might not be able to. Not if the government decides that it doesn’t want you to read about it online.
Another Example: Website creating, Blogging, tweeting & Facebook would be monitored 24/7. If you had something to say about the President of the US, or how the government isn’t doing what they should be doing… You CAN’T. You really think the government won’t monitor and “delete” any derogatory comments or news stories about them? Think again.
Now you might read these examples and say, whatever. You might read these examples and think that the Government will never go that far… WOULDN’T THEY??? The Government is still conducting its private “business” today. If you think that they aren’t doing “business” that is written on pieces of paper that don’t exist, about plans and operations that don’t exist, THINK AGAIN. What we are doing by letting SOPA pass, is giving the government a BILL passed by U.S. Congress as an excuse to do what they feel is right when it comes to Censorship.
Am I getting through to you now? SOPA, is BAD. Yea, stopping piracy might be a good thing. Think about it this way. If you wrote a piece of software, and wanted to sell it for $100 per copy, but found out it was available for free on the internet with in the first week of it hitting the shelves, you would be pissed to… But to give the government full control of what we see and listen to… Isn’t that the definition of a Dictatorship? Our constitutional rights & Freedom of speech would be a thing of the past.
I have had this image on my BLOG since day 1.
It's sad to see that, with each passing day, it is becoming more & more true. |