Sunday, February 20, 2011

Greenpois0n RC6.1 Released

Chronic Dev-Team has pushed out an update for greenpois0n, integrating the much needed fix for iBooks’ anti-jailbreaking code. PwnageTool 4.2.1 and sn0wbreeze 2.2 have implemented a fix as well, so users have a number of tools at their disposal.

This latest version can be run on top of RC6, but if you prefer to manually patch the iBooks “feature”, you can download “iBooks Fix” from Cydia using the repo.

You Can Download GreenPois0n HERE:

Other downloads including iTunes & iOS ipsw's can be found here...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

iPhone 4.2.1 now Jailbroken via GreenPois0n (GP)

- Post last updated Feb 8th, 2011 @ 5:00pm -

Below you will find a detailed tutorial (w/Video) on how to jaibreak your Apple iPhone 4 on iOS 4.2.1. Thanks to the Chronic Dev Team for providing the UNTETHERED jailbreak tool GreenPois0n.

*****Warning, if your using an iPhone 4 carrier-unlock DO NOT update to original firmware*****

Click here if you want to check out the "Read ME" file that comes with the "gp_win_rc5_b4" software.

1) Download the GreenPois0n Jailbreak Tools here:
2) Make sure and update to the latest version of iTunes... (v10.1.2 at the time of this posting)
  • DOWNLOAD iTunes v10.1.2 - (Mac OS X 10.5+)
  • DOWNLOAD iTunes v10.1.2 - (WinXP/2003/Vista/7)
3) Restore your iDevice to iOS 4.2.1 original firmware (if you’ve never jailbroken before, or are already on iOS 4.2.1... skip this step.) & (NO, the 4.2.6 next to the Verizon iPhone lnk is not a mis-print.)

*** NOTE:  Users having iDevices which are already jailbroken (Tethered) via Redsn0w - You can also try GreenPois0n without restoring to a fresh iOS 4.2.1 ***
The Proof is in the Pics!

Ok... so here is the video guide on how to Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 via Green Pois0n for Windows rc5_b4

*** You can see the video here in up to 1080p, or view it on YouTube by clicking on the YouTUBE link in the lower right.  ***

Now on to the step by step Mac OS X tutorial:
*** Sorry guys, no videos yet ***

- Open GreenPois0n and connect your idevice on firmware iOS 4.2.1.

- Click on jailbeak and prepare to follow directions. You must be precise and follow the exact directions as shown.

- Press and hold the sleep button, its the top button on your idevice.

- While holding the sleep button, hold the home button on your iphone. You then should be holding both buttons down at the same time on your idevice.

- After the countdown timer finishes or your ipad turns off let go of the top sleep button but do not let go of the home button. If done correctly you will see that GreenPois0n  begins the jailbreak process.

Your iPhone should begin to jailbreak and it will flash white then go black, it will then show lines of code then reboot.

If all went well and your iPhone 4 rebooted you can now scroll over to the right/2nd page and open the icon called loader. The sources should load and you will see the option to install cydia. Tap and install cydia and you can now enjoy your jailbroken iPhone.

If stuck on Greenpois0n initializing after trying to jailbeak or the jailbreak isn’t working you can try the following work arounds.

Solution 1 – Reboot computer, rerun Greenpois0n and while following the directions to jailbreak do not let go of the home button during the entire process of jailbreaking.

Solution 2 – Go to your OSX hdd home folder and delete the ibss and kernal cache files. Open finder on your computer and under devices choose your hdd name, you will see an ibss file and cache file so just delete those, reboot your computer and try Greenpois0n again.

Installing TVersity on your PC

Installation guide was written & Tested using the following system...

How to stream any movie to your XBOX 360!

*** Disclaimer
1)  – This guide was last updated on – 2/19/2009 1:58:10 PM = VERY OLD
2)  – This guide was written for the TVVersity app (TVersitySetup_1_0_0_11_RC7).  This guide has not been tested on any other version. ***

*** Don’t let Technology scare you.  It is your friend.  Everything takes time and patients, but it will be well worth the effort in the end. ***

Step 1) – Starting off changing your internet router settings.  (This might sound complex, but it’s not.  Just follow the instructions…
- Allow TVersity on your LAN

Since TVersity acts as a server (media server) on your Local Area Network (LAN), you need to make sure Windows and your router allows it access. If you have a personal firewall running or the Windows firewall is running, you need to make sure that TVersity is allowed to accept incoming connections on the port used by the media server (which is by default port 41952).

If you are running a router, you will also need to enable port forwarding from your computers IP address.  Login to your router and enable port forwarding as you can see in the image below.

If you are having troubles figuring out how to do that, read your routers manual or visit as that website is a great resource for this type of thing.

Step 2) – Starting off…
Using Windows Vista (woo-hoo) you must first turn UAC off.  UAC is “User Account Control."  This is what most XP fans hate about Vista, but trust me, you want it enabled in the end!

Go to Start menu, Control panel.  Open up User accounts.  You will see a few options there, 1 including “Turn User Account Control on or off”.  Turn it off, it will ask you to reboot, so reboot.  =)
Step 3a) – Installation.
Pretty straight forward.  Open the app, click next.  You will get to a screen asking you if you want to install the “ASK TOOLBAR”.  Hell no you don’t.  Unselect both options, and click next.  Destination folder – Leave that alone, and click next.  It will then download the necessary components.  Just wait.

It should then ask you to “RUN THE TVERSITY CONFIGURATION”.  Click next.  Then you will come to a window that says “Configuration Choices”.  Make sure you unselect the first option that says “Start TVersity automatically after reboot”.  Leave everything else check marked, and select configure.  Let it do it’s thing, until you get to the last screen that says, Finish.

Once you select finish, you should be left with 1 window open asking you about youtube information.  (and yes, you can now directly watch any youtube video on your TV.  A very nice bonus!!!)  So click next, it will flash a bunch of “black dos” windows on your screen.  This is normal.  Once it is done, it will bring you to a TVersity Media Server window.

Here, it will ask you to install the TVersity Codec pack v1.2.  Make sure it has a check mark next to it, and click next.  Go through the windows by selecting next, next, next and you will see a “TVersity Codec pack – Choose Components” window.  Select all 4, then click next, then click install.  It will download the codec from the internet, so it might take some time depending on your connection.

From there, it will bring up a setup window, asking you about a program called ffdshow.  Just click next until you get to the “Additional Tasks” window.  Here is the tricky part.  Just follow this guide, and you won’t have any trouble. 

You might see a lot of things you don’t understand, like h.264, FLV1, H.263 and so on…  TVersity, will select most of the correct codecs for you.  However, to tweak, and boost your performance, go down the list, and put a check mark next to the following codecs as well. 

1) – AC3, s/pdif option…

2) – DTS, s/pdif option…

3) – Vorbis, libavcodec option…

4) – “Enable the following filters by default” – Check both options for volume, and subs.
Then select next.  Leave the next option, “Do not limit” alone, and hit next.

On the next menu, (AUDIO) leave it on “Do not limit” and select next.

Speaker Setup.  Leave it as 2.0 (stereo) and select next.

Select install.

When that’s all done, select finish.
You now should have your last window open with 2 options to chose from.  “Start the TVersity Sharing Service” and “Start the TVersity user interface”.  Unselect both, and click finish.

Step 3b) – Re-activate UAC, and reboot.  Refer to step 2.
Step 4) – Running the Program.
Now that you are back “under control of THE MAN” of UAC, it will ask you to, cancel or allow, the running of the app.  Select Allow.  Of Course….
You should see 4 tabs on the top.  Guide, Library, Status & Settings. 
GUIDE = Your YouTube source.  You can add any youtube address in this field

LIBRARY = A list of all your movies & Pictures.

STATUS = Shows you if you are connected or not.

SETTINGS = Things you don’t need to be messing with!

Next to settings, you should see a picture, that looks kind of like a power cord with 2 prongs on it, that is unplugged.  That is ok for now.

Step 5) – Configuration.
            Go to your “Things you don’t need to be messing with tab” (Settings).


You should now see a window saying “success”  The TVersity Media Server is now being started.

If all goes well, that little icon, that looks like “power cord with 2 prongs on it, that is unplugged” should be gone.

  • From here, click OK to dismiss the message, then click on your status tab just to make sure it is working.  As long as it states, “Started Media Sharing”, your set.

From this point, your Setting screen should have changed also.  It should look like the following pic.


Step 6) – Add your movies
  • The Final step in TVersity, is to add your movie collection.
  • Click on the Library Tab.
  • Then click on Add Item
    • (see below image)

 - Inside the “Add Item” menu, you will want to enter the location of the folder where your movies are.  Use the “Browse” function.  Much easier.

  • Once you have the folder destination listed, you will need to give your Movies folder a “new name”

  • Start up your XBOX 360
  • On the main screen, go to the “MY XBOX” menu
  • Go to the right, until you see the “Video Library” option.  Select it.
  • Here is the TRUE TEST!
    • If it works, you should have 4 options.
      • 1) – Download Videos
      • 2) – Current Disk
      • 3) – Portable Decive
      • 4) – Tversity on “COMPUTER NAME HERE”

  • If you have option 4, then you are golden.
  • Select TVersity, then go to the 4th menu down.  “FOLDERS”
  • From there, you should have your movie collection folder listed, and all of your movies you want to watch.
Step 8) – Take a nap, you must be tired

- From this point on, when you want to watch movies on your XBOX 360, all you need to do, is turn on your computer, double click on TVersity, turn on your XBOX, and enjoy.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

HTC Lockscreen Comes to iPhone

HTC LockScreen v1.7

This is the lockscreen I am currently using. Very Interesting I think!!!